P.O. Box 10931, Rock Hill, SC 29731

Now I See (Digital Download)

Now I See (Digital Download)


“One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see.” John 9:25 NKJV

Just as the man born blind miraculously gained his sight after encountering Jesus, we too can gain spiritual vision when we come to Jesus by faith. The miracle of eye-opening salvation is only available through Him. As you enjoy these hymns, we pray that your heart will be softened and your eyes refocused to adore Jesus, who is truly worthy of all praise.


Attention iPhone and iPad users: The digital download album is delivered as a .zip file. You can save it to the “Files” app or download it to your desktop/laptop computer and then transfer files to your mobile iOS device. Happy listening!


“Turn Your Eyes” NOW I SEE: Hymn Meditations Past & Present Niah & Allisha Merrill
Audio Player


THANK YOU to all of our family, friends, and prayer team members who helped to make this project possible. Your encouragement, prayers, and support are invaluable!



Produced by Cliff Duren

Music Arranged by Cliff Duren & Niah Merrill

Recorded at The Poole Room and Wildwood Studio

Mixed & Mastered by Randall Poole at The Poole Room

Engineers: Randall Poole and Brendan Harkin

Vocals: Niah & Allisha Merrill

Penny Whistle: Niah Merrill

Keys: Cliff Duren

Guitars: Dave Cleveland

Programming: Kris Crunk

Violins: David Davidson, Conni Ellisor, Mary Kathryn Van Osdale, Alicia Enstrom

Violas: Elizabeth Lamb, Monisa Angell

Cellos: Paul Nelson (Contractor), Sari Reist

Photography: Malchijah Merrill

Album Design: Rachel Phelps

© 2021 Niah & Allisha Merrill. All rights reserved.